Infection and Illness

It is always amazing to me to encounter infectious laughter.  Whether in a crowd at a comedy club, or hanging out with a group of friends. To observe and be a part of the very real phenomenon of the infectious spread of energy amongst people is one of the most satisfying of human experiences. Almost as interesting is to observe those members of the group who don’t laugh, don’t participate in that shared energy. Why don’t they laugh? Did they not understand the joke? Maybe they already heard it and so are “immune” to the funny. Some laugh late, after a majority has joined in, but some can truly not be moved (infected). Regardless, that kind of an infection is an indicator of health. It is good for us to experience joy, and it can spread like an epidemic. The principles of epidemiology can even be used to track such a joy infection. So, obviously, that is not an illness.  But we think about infection as being related to illness, right? I suggest that is a misguided and incorrect concept. What if infection is simply the transmission of information?

Now consider another type of infection: Candida. Candida is a fungus that can cause severe illness in vulnerable people. Yet, if we test for the presence of it on anyone, it will be found – in the healthy and the ill alike. It is considered a commensal organism, meaning that it belongs in and on us. Every human has Candida, but very few will ever be ill with it. As a commensal, it gives and receives information to us and from us. When that flow of information breaks down, that is when illness ensues. Does the medical system do widespread testing for the presence of Candida? No. Why? Because that would serve no useful purpose – we already know it’s there. We wait for an ill person, with a clinical picture of fungal disease before we do the appropriate test to characterize it. That approach to clinical and diagnostic medicine was crushed and tossed into the waste bin of history at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Science and his lackies would like to keep it that way.

Take a look at the attempts that the Disease Industrial Complex (DIC) – my term of endearment – has made to entrap us into fear and compliance. Swine Flu, West Nile Virus, Ebola, Zika, COVID. More recently – Monkey Pox, Bird Flu, Disease X.  Bird Flu is their current effort. We’re told to fear the milk we drink, and we’re fed dramatic stories about people being infected – and having, wait for it, red eyes. Now, the DICs are attempting to scare is with the news that a man in Mexico died from the Bird Flu. Yet… the Mexican health ministry disputes that report, and even the WHO admits that the man had been in an extended hospitalization with multiple medical problems and he had no exposure to the animals that might have carried the Flu. As for our farm animals, once you dig through the hype you cannot find any credible information that birds or mammals are showing an epidemic spread of flu illness. Animal deaths are reported, but the why is revealing as to the hidden agenda. Recent aggressive testing has uncovered more “infection”, and infection leads to culling of the animals. So, similar to the COVID pandemic, increased infection (positive tests) has led to increased death – but from the misguided actions taken by people, not the disease process.I expect this Bird Flu nonsense to go the way of the Monkey Pox. But I’m not reassured. Each iteration of the abortive epidemics is a learning laboratory for the DICs. They are working to perfect their art of the scare. Watch and wait for Disease X.As our society struggles to move past the “global pandemic”, there is an inertia that works to hold us ensnared in a mind trap. That trap is baited with fear. We have been convinced that there is always a catastrophic illness waiting in the dark, over in some remote part of the world, or brewing in the environment around us. The tricky part of that fear form is that it leads us to believe that we have no control, no personal ability to identify the risk, protect ourselves, or recover from an encounter with that deadly disease. We have been indoctrinated into an illusion of incompetence.Somehow every other lifeform on the planet has the ability to sense its environment, identify and avoid harms, move toward what is beneficial, and recover from injury or disease. But not the modern human (known as Homo Sapiens Domesticus – hat tip to Daniel Vitalis). We have been enculturated into a state of being fearful of infection. There is a fundamental lack of understanding about our relationship to the world we live in and the elements of health and disease.Here is the foundational element: Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.This definition comes from the World Health Organization. I like it because of its focus on well-being, which, interestingly, is rarely discussed, measured, or incorporated into any treatment plan in the allopathic medical model. It suggests that health involves balance in those aspects of our lives. Along with that we still maintain health while dealing with disease or infirmity. Many people in remission from cancer or living with controlled Diabetes or Hypertension or other chronic conditions see themselves as healthy. I encounter them daily in my practice. If we shift focus to being well, much of the fear and uncertainty around illness and disease can be brushed away. Stay well until you don’t feel well, then do the common sense things to get better. If you’re a dairy farmer who gets red eyes, go home and rest them. If you’re at school and you get a fever and a cough, go home and get some vitamin C and warm soup. All the while, focus on that complete state of balanced health. Should those measures not work and things get worse, then get some professional help. The take away message is – don’t test for infection. You only become a tool of the DICs. You (and the others being tested) will be used by them to manufacture the next pandemic state of fear. Testing is reserved for unexplained illness. I guarantee that testing for infection will spread the fear pandemic more quickly and widely than any healthy, infectious laughter will be able to overcome.

Don’t be a Lab Rat

One thing that is obvious from the last three years is that people have been subjected to wide-scale experiments. Whether it was closing nonessential businesses, controlling interactions, restricting breathing, or coercing medical testing and treatment – those elements of the pandemic response had never been done to populations – ever before. And for all of the talk of “out of an abundance of caution”, “trust the science”, “evidence-based medicine”, “flatten the curve” that was all part of the smoke screen put up to hide the intricate lie of the controllers. We may not have seen the bars of the cages, but we have been incarcerated in a controlled testing facility where the results of the poking and prodding, psychological profiling and evaluations, medical treatments and procedures have all been monitored and documented. The researchers, heads of government, and behind the scenes controllers have learned a lot from us, but it was for their benefit – not ours.

Keep in mind what happens to rats in a lab. At the end of the experiment, they are sacrificed.

I ask you to consider whether the vaunted experts and leaders of society have offered you anything practical to keep you healthy, or if sick from COVID any effective treatment. The “vaccines” don’t keep you from getting infected. Once ill, the revolving line up of EUA treatments are ineffective and rife with side effects. The social control measures made no difference in the outcome – over 80% of the US population has been infected and one third of them were vaccinated.

They’ve pretty well played out the COVID game. The evidence is incontrovertible. COVID-19 has a 99.97% survival rate (COVID-19–related mortality rate was <22 deaths per 100,000 –CDC report) .  So what comes next? They’ve floated trial balloons with Monkey Pox and Bird Flu. Those didn’t get traction. No problem – the experts tell us that there are 9 diseases that keep them up at night, and Biden has stepped forward to protect us with a brand spanking new Office of Pandemic Preparedness. Public health emergencies are high visibility and high impact weapons, and the big business/government cabals have money to be made and power to wield. Before the walls of the new cage are built for you, I suggest you opt out. Measure and improve your own health – they won’t. They have guaranteed us another Public Health Emergency. Do you really want to go along for that ride, like you did for the last one?

So what are your pillars of Health and how do you measure them? I look at five:

Sleep – quality is as important as quantity. There are many sleep tracking devices and it is worth using one.

Metabolic and Endocrine Health – It’s more than the food you eat. It involves how your body reacts to what you put in. It also matters to know what environmental toxicants you are exposed to. Hormone balance is also influenced by lifestyle – sex hormones, thyroid, vitamin D. There are many lab tests and wearable devices that help you assess those. Learn about your levels and figure out how to improve what you have.

Movement – Gym workouts are fine, but humans need more. Watch how children play and move. Get back to that state you once had.

Connection – That involves family, friends, and members of groups you belong to. Most importantly, those connections need to be in person. Keep track of your connections and renew them if it’s been too long. Another aspect is your physical connection to the real world. Sunlight, contact with the earth, feeling the breeze on your skin. When was the last time you went barefoot outside?

Purpose – Family, social causes, religious and spiritual organizations, jobs – what do you reflect on at the end of your day that gives you satisfaction? A gratitude journal is a great way to track that.

When I see patients for their annual physicals, I often ask “how are things with your health?” or “what grade would you give yourself on your health report card?” The response I most often get is that they want me to tell them those answers. Don’t be that person. Each of us has to evaluate and be in control of our own health. You can use the medical system to gather information about lab values and test results, and you can even have them educate you on the significance of those data points.  But all of that information belongs to you and only applies to you. The challenge is to take your information and integrate it into a measure of personal health.

I have a suggestion. Instead of being a part of someone else’s public health intervention, clinical trial, or twisted experiment – Instead of being a lab rat, take charge of your own health experimentation. In the biohacking community (people who look to optimize their own health) this is known as an N of 1 experiment. The term refers to how many test subjects (N) are being evaluated. It’s time for you to take charge of your own N of 1 experience. The words of a wise teacher, “physician, heal thyself”, ring true.

Channeling Nancy Reagan

For those of you who don’t recall or weren’t around at the time, the 40th President of the United States had a wife who made her mark on the Public Health landscape. Nancy Reagan was famous (notorious in the eyes of some) for promoting a campaign to keep young people from using drugs – “Just Say No”. It was beautiful and elegant in its simplicity.  The irony, of course, is that at the same time the First Lady was making her efforts, her husband’s administration was arguably involved in the crack cocaine plague that swept across the United States. 

Those messy details aside, Nancy Reagan offered important moorings in the effort to live a drug-free life: “build an outspoken intolerance for drug use” and “be unyielding and inflexible in your opposition to drugs”. She was pilloried in the media with the talking heads implying that just saying no was the extent of her campaign. There was more to it. Unfortunately, we have not yet learned our lessons. Drug use is through the roof. There is a drug that, at last count, has been used by 80% of the population of the United States. The effects will wreak a devastation that is essentially innumerable.

We have a drug use problem, and all-cause deaths are on the rise in our country. I suggest that it is time to channel Nancy Reagan.

If you haven’t guessed it – that drug is a group of Biologics called COVID vaccines. Before you get ready to argue the point of characterizing these shots as drugs just understand that a substance that is regulated by the FDA, is intended to prevent disease, and is only allowed to be administered by licensed medical professionals is a drug. So here we are in the year 2023, using our retrospectoscope to try and figure out our way forward. Consider these key points from CDC.

1)      All-cause mortality increased 0.7% in 2021, compared to 2020

2)     Eight of the 10 leading causes of death increased

3)     As Delta was replaced by Omicron in late 2021 (and COVID shots with boosters were pushed) deaths continued to increase

4)     As people continued to die from COVID, the pool of people who could possibly die from other causes decreased – yet deaths from those other causes continued to increase

(notice above how deaths other than COVID started trending up in July of 2021)

The two graphs below cinch the case:

The whole point of the Fauci Says Game of the last three years was the need to “flatten the curve”. That curve is the pattern of cases or deaths in a group of people with a common epidemic exposure. So, let’s compare the two charts above: in the 65+ population we see a pattern that is consistent with how an infectious disease spreads in a population (the large sustained curves) – until February of 2022. Once that curve trends toward baseline there are no more signals consistent with an epidemic. In fact, there is no excess all-cause mortality at all until late April 2022 (with the second booster authorized in March 2022), from which time it has stayed elevated but with no signal variance (no new epidemic outbreaks). Looking at the mortality of the 0-24 year old group, there has never been an indication that group experienced excess mortality associated with an infectious cause – there are NO epidemic curves in their mortality. There is a rather random pattern until a persistent excess mortality trend is seen starting in March 2021. There is an interesting correlation (granting that causation is not demonstrated) that on February 27, 2021 the CDC recommended the use of the J&J vaccine in people 18 and older. This was followed by a suspension in its use in April 2021 due to concerns of blood clots (soon to be reimplemented as it was determined that benefits outweighed risks – with risks still acknowledged).

So I ask you: are you ready to channel Nancy Reagan along with me? It’s a big commitment. Saying no is just the start because if you choose to not use the drugs what do you choose to do instead? That comes down to living a healthy life. A straightforward but difficult choice since our modern society does not endorse such prosaic practices. Eat real food, sleep well, get outside daily, and spend in-person social time with others. And, by the way, that is a good drug recovery program as well (in case you have a history of being exposed to these nasty substances).

I leave you with this. Just Say No is an effective practice anytime you are faced with an authority who is applying coercion, shame, or guilt. Of course they will do their best to instill fear to soften you up ahead of the attack. So it is appropriate to say no to fear as well. Here is why it matters, in regard to this drug use problem.  The COVID mRNA shot is the test run. mRNA “vaccines” are a revenue goldmine for pharma, and that will become the primary vaccine delivery platform in the near future (I raised the alarm on this in December 2020). But, if I don’t have the credibility you need, go to PubMed where you will find this: Recently, the successful application of mRNA vaccines against COVID-19 has further validated the platform and opened the floodgates to mRNA vaccine’s potential in infectious disease prevention. You, your children, your children’s children will be assaulted with coerced injections of substances that have life altering potential. Maintain your ability to choose, demand fully informed consent, and in the words of Nancy’s husband “trust but verify”.

Fully Informed Consent


read this before you get a COVID shot

This notice is published by the Health Officer of Lander County, Nevada. This is provided as informed consent to all individuals, who are being offered a COVID-19 mRNA injection.

It is important to understand that all medical treatments, to include vaccinations, are always voluntary. The licensed medical professional, who is providing the medical treatment, has both ethical and legal obligations to provide you with informed consent and explain the issues to you. In addition, you have the legal right to discuss all elements of the information provided before making your decision to accept or decline the treatment (vaccination). The four elements of informed consent are outlined below for your information. You should take this with you, when you go, or take your child, to be vaccinated. 

1)      The proposed treatment is an injection of a biologic gene therapy that has been granted Emergency Use Authorization for the purpose of decreasing the severity of disease symptoms. It is important to understand that none of the current COVID-19 vaccines prevent you from becoming infected or decrease the likelihood that you will transmit the disease to other people.

2)      The risks of getting the injection include minor to severe temporary and possible permanent injuries, to include death. As all three currently used vaccines are in investigational phases of development, the risks are still being discovered. To learn about documented injuries you should go to the open VAERS reporting page –

The risk of not getting the injection is to become ill with COVID-19. Significant illness is rare in children (Serologic surveys indicate that half of children tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 report no symptoms. In general, children with COVID-19 are at lower risk of hospitalization and life-threatening complications.) – As of 12/08/21 a total of 757 children under 19 years of age are reported to have died from COVID-19 in the United States. As people get older and acquire more chronic medical conditions, risks of bad outcomes increase.

3)      The only established benefit of getting the vaccine is evidence provided to the FDA that use of the vaccine has been shown to decrease the severity of disease, when a person becomes infected with COVID-19. It is possible that use of the vaccine may decrease the risk of infection, but this has not yet been proven. 

4)      There are alternatives to getting one of the three COVID-19 vaccines that can improve your health and decrease the risks of bad outcomes from COVID-19 illness.

First – prevent illness: improve your overall state of health by maintaining a healthy weight, diet, exercise and sleep regimen. Have your vitamin D level checked and supplement if it is low

Second – be consistent in practicing good personal hygiene. Before you touch your face, always wash your hands after you have touched items shared by others. When you use a face covering, apply a clean one after washing your hands and do not touch it again until you are ready to throw it away. Wash your hands immediately after you touch the mask on your face (every time you touch your mask).

Third – if you do get ill with COVID-19 seek early treatment. There are many treatment options that you can discuss with your doctor.

The final important element that your medical provider is required to discuss with you is the fact that no one involved in giving you the COVID shots (from manufacturer to the medical assistant administering the dose) will have any liability if you sustain and injury. It is also possible that your medical insurance may not cover the cost of care. You have one means of receiving compensation from an injury sustained by use of an EUA vaccination:


PUBLIC LAW 109–148—DEC. 30, 2005

                                                                                           Troy Ross, MD, MPH

                                                                                            Lander County Health Officer

The Emperor’s New Mask

We live in a brave new world where expert opinion and the edicts of authority now dominate our everyday lives. We are told that “the science says” and that leads us to this place where our activities are constrained for the sake of safety and public health. Individualism and liberty are replaced by group think and the good of the community. All of this HAS to happen due to existential threat of the pandemic virus. Regardless of the merits of this new focus, we need to acknowledge that this is being imposed through overt force.

Those experts and authorities are the keepers of special knowledge. In this complicated and scary time of pandemic threat to humanity, they are the only ones who understand the issues well enough to guide to a place of safety. They tell us about how they agonize over their decisions to put in place the controls, they applaud the sacrifices we make as the fullness of our lives are throttled into bare subsistence, and they demonize any who dare to shirk the shared responsibility by dropping a mask or sharing a space with someone else.

In this situation, where behavior is controlled through the use of force, we have masters overseeing those who serve. Of course those masters tell us that we are all in this together. That being true, we would expect the rules apply to all. And, since those rules are needed to keep us all safe and healthy, there would be no distinction between how the commoners and rulers behave.

Unfortunately, our masters see fit to be the ones who shirk the burdens they put upon us. Here is a short list of our vaunted leaders doing what they do best, acting with the hypocrisy of the entitled:

Fauci Takes Off Facemask When Cameras Are Off As He Testifies At The Senate Coronavirus Hearing

Dr. Deborah Birx, is the latest federal official to draw scrutiny for flaunting coronavirus guidelines.

Anthony Fauci defends not wearing mask while watching Nationals game

Los Angeles County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl is receiving criticism after she ate at a restaurant in Santa Monica last week, shortly after voting to support the controversial ban on outdoor dining.

Scotland’s Chief Medical Officer resigned on Sunday after she broke her own advice to stay at home

Dr. Lance O’Sullivan admits coronavirus lockdown breach hypocrisy

Government scientist Neil Ferguson, – whose death toll projections sparked lockdown – QUITS after admitting he allowed mistress to break stay-at-home rules to visit him for trysts

Doctor Who Demanded Mandatory Mask Law Caught Partying Maskless

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has been caught breaking local health orders in San Francisco

Over 1,000 health experts sign letter supporting anti-Black racism protests despite COVID-19 risks

Mississippi Governor is defending his decision to hold after repeatedly warning people to avoid social gatherings

The Czech health minister is called to resign or be fired after he broke strict government restrictions

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has come under fire because he is not practicing what he has preached in regards to forbidding Canadians from all ”non-essential travel.”

Photos obtained by Fox 11 in Los Angeles show Newsom sitting closely packed with other guests — and none wearing a mask.

Trevor Noah on Thursday blasted Democratic politicians for not practicing what they preach

SF Mayor Breed went to French Laundry dinner day after Newsom

Top 10 Leaders Who Broke Their Own Lockdown Rules

Governor Sisolak apologizes for his own mask-wearing lapses,


Governor Holcomb has mandated that Hoosiers hunker down But on Saturday he traveled to a little-known state-owned cabin, for rest and relaxation. He ordered takeout from a Nashville restaurant and some Hoosiers spotted him and asked for a selfie.

Shortly after announcing that he was issuing an executive order “RETIGHTENING restrictions” on family gatherings, New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy was filmed dining out, maskless, indoors, with his family

Officials across the country have apologized for not heeding rules or guidance.

Hypocritical mayors, governors practice COVID-1984

COVID Hypocrisy: Policymakers Breaking Their Own Rules

This of course is not new in the world – we expect our leaders to be hypocrites. Except… they tell us that such behaviors are a danger to both the individuals who would act so irresponsibly as well as to the communities they live in. It doesn’t make sense that they would do these things and put their own survival at risk. This contradiction begs to be resolved.

I offer an Occam’s Razor solution. These medical experts and political leaders are the best informed among us. They know the real threat of SARS-CoV-2. Their complete disregard of the humanity killing control measures is clear evidence that the whole construct is a lie.

I say that we follow the lead of those well informed rulers – get out into the world and engage with other people. Embrace full-facial nudity. Grab the hand of that new person you are meeting. Laugh, sing, gather in fellowship. Choose your level of safety and comfort as you strive to learn more about this virus, but don’t relinquish your humanity to those who only want control.